GSO Test

Parents and Carer Guide - Concerns and Complaints

What will happen if I make a complaint?

Any formal complaint must, in the first place, be made in writing.  It will then be passed on to the Head of School who will take the appropriate action.

What sort of things can you complain about?

Sometimes you child may wish to complain about something that is worrying them or making them upset.  For example, sometimes you may wish to complain about something that is worrying you or has made you upset.  For example:

  • Your child may be being bullied.
  • Someone could have hurt your child or said things to them which are upsetting.
  •  You child might not like the food.
  •  Your child may have had a sanction imposed and feels it was not fair.
  • Your child may feel that they are being treated unfairly.

What do I do if I want to make a complaint?

The first thing you should do is talk to a member of staff from the Academy that you feel comfortable talking to.  If you do not feel happy about the way your complaint has been dealt with you can make a formal complaint.  To do this:

1. You must talk to a member of staff and tell them that you want to make a complaint. This can be completed in person, by phone or email.

2. The member of staff will write the complaint in the Complaint Log, which is kept in the Academy office.

3. You will be seen by a member of staff to talk about how you are feeling and why.  Staff will take your complaint seriously and will do their best to sort it out within two days.

4. If your child is the person the complaint is about, a member of staff from school will want to see you to discuss this.  We ask for your cooperation in being truthful and fair.

5. If the issue is not resolved within two school days you can contact one of the people mentioned on the first page.

You do not have to tell anyone that you are complaining about them.

If I complain will it make a difference?

The staff at school will do their utmost to ensure that your complaint or concern does make a difference.

What do I do if I just want to talk to someone?

You can talk to any member of staff that you feel able to talk to.

What if I don't feel able to talk to staff?

You can always telephone or arrange an appointment to see one of the following people:

  • Your child’s Social Worker, if there is one.
  • Chair of Governors: Michael Manley via school, 01908 889400 or email
  • Chair of Stephenson Trust: Jo Hoarty via school, 01908 889400 or email
  • Childline (0800 1111)

What are my rights?

You and your child have the right to be treated fairly.  Do not be afraid to complain if you think you or your child are being unfairly treated.

Why should my child talk about things that worry them?

Voicing their concerns sooner rather than later can prevent a little worry becoming a big worry. If there is anything that is causing you or your child concern, you must talk to someone so that they can do their best to help them feel happier.

What should I do if my child has something to say that affects everyone?

Your child could either speak to a member of the School Council or write it down and place it in the suggestion box in the dining room. If this is anonymous it must be stated.  This issue will then be raised at the next School Council meeting.